Monday, September 3, 2012

Barbecue Ribs

Based mainly from clippings from: Beth's Melt in Your Mouth Barbecue Ribs (Oven) 

Ingredients (for 6 people)

  • 4 lbs pork ribs
  • 3/4 cup light brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon hickory smoke salt (if you don't have this make your own by mixing Liquid Hickory Smoke and Rock Salt!)
  • 1 tablespoon paprika
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon of powder mustard
  • 1 teaspoon of powder black pepper 
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground red pepper (optional)
  • 2 cups of your favorite barbecue sauce ( mine is Sweet Baby Ray) 
  • (a good barbecue seasoning mix can do the job too, I tried adding McCormick Grill Mates Barbecue seasoning with good results)


  1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees f. (150C)
  2. Peel off tough membrane that covers the bony side of the ribs.
  3. Mix together the sugar and spices to make the rub.
  4. Apply rub to ribs on all sides.
  5. Lay ribs on 3-4 layers of foil, shiny side out and meaty side down. (In fact I do the opposite here, I keep the meaty side up and bush a little bit of Barbecue sauce on top)
  6. Lay two layers of foil on top of ribs and roll and crimp edges tightly, edges facing up to seal.
  7. Place on baking sheet and bake for 2-2 1/2 hours or until meat is starting to shrink away from the ends of the bone.
  8. Remove from oven.
  9. Heat broiler.
  10. Cut ribs into serving sized portions of 2 or 3 ribs.
  11. Arrange on broiler pan, bony side up.
  12. Brush on sauce.
  13. Broil for 1 or 2 minutes until sauce is cooked on and bubbly.
  14. Turn ribs over.
  15. Repeat on other side.
  16. Alternately, you can grill the ribs on your grill to cook on the sauce.

With the Internet providing access to hundreds of recipes it is easy to find one, the problem is to find one that you like! Last time I made ribs I was very happy with the results but I forgot to save my preferred recipe, worst than that, I kind of adapted 2 or 3 recipes into my own and forgot to take notes. So, today, when I decided to make Barbecue Ribs in the oven again, I started my day searching for the lost source of inspiration without luck. Fortunately, I am glad that I had my browsing history still available on my main desktop compute and managed to find those again. Here are the source of inspiration:

Got the basic recipe from here:
- Beth's Melt in Your Mouth Barbecue Ribs (Oven) Read more at:
- Got the idea on how to make my own Hickory Salt Hickory Salt by mixing Liquid Smoke and Rock Salt  from here:

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Pizza do João e Renate Rossi! (Minha Sobrinha!)

Vou deixar a receita do molho de tomate para outra hora mas aqui esta a receita da massa!

Ingredientes (para cinco pizzas grandes com borda)
- 1 quilo de farinha (Renata)
- 500ml de água morna
- 200ml de cerveja
- 50-100ml de óleo (ou 3-5 golfadas como diz o João) (quem sabe azeite!)
- Uma colher de chá ou sopa de sal
- Uma colher de chá de açúcar
- Um pacotinho de Fermento "FERMIX" Dona Benta (10g?)
- Um pouco de semolina

Modo de preparo:
- Coloque a farinha num recipiente grande e misture o fermento e o sal
- Misture o açúcar com a água morna e cerveja (tudo morno)
- Vai jogando a água aos poucos e misturando (com a mão ou no mixer)
- Sove a massa numa mesa ou granito jogando farinha pouco a pouco ate ela não grudar mais
- Faca um COGUMELO NUCLEAR com a massa, cubra com farinha e deixe ela coberta num local quentinho para ela crescer um pouco (10-20 min)
- Divida a massa em 5 pedaços e repita o processo anterior ate ela crescer novamente. ((10-20 min)
- Abra a massa de forma arredondada e  dobre a borda para fazer a borda (pode por queijo catupiri na borda)
- Jogue um pouco de Farinha de Semolina na pa' para a massa deslizar ao colocar no forno
- pronto

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Bolo de Chocolate do Pantanal (Tata)

- Misture 1 xicara de chá de oleo com 2 xicaras de agua bem quente 
- coloque então isto em 3xicaras  de farinha de trigo +2 xicaras de açucar +2 xicaras de Toddy +1 colher cha de fermento royal + 3 ovos 
Misture tudo com o garfo, coloque numa assadeira retangular untada com manteiga e coloque no forno até sentir o cheiro e ver se o palito de dente entra e sai seco (+/- 30 minutos) - é uma delicia....... se quiser coloque castanhas picadas na massa ou cobertura (a mesma do bolo de cenoura)

Friday, March 16, 2012

BOLO DE CENOURA (Mamãe/Vovo' Maria)

BOLO DE CENOURA (mamãe) Brazilian Carrot Cake

Receita inteira: (1/2 receita is the perfect amount for 12 small cupcakes)

- 04 ovos inteiros 
- 01 xícara de óleo 
- 02 cenouras grandes lavadas e sem casca
- 02 xícaras de açúcar
- 02 xícaras de farinha de trigo
- 01 colher de sopa de fermento em pó

M.F. Coloque Ovos, óleo e cenoura no liquidificador (ovos primeiro) e bata bastante...
Numa tigela coloque os secos (farinha açúcar e fermento) e mexa com as mãos, depois coloque o liquido batido e misture devagar com colher

Unte uma forma com manteiga e polvilhe farinha de trigo, asse em forno quente 200 graus (but on convection baking we used 375-350 F for 20-25 mins) por aproximadamente 30 minutos até dourar, e teste com o palito de está pronto.

COBERTURA (for cupcakes when using the 1/2 of ingredients above, we in fact used 3 times the amount below for the cobertura)

- 04 colheres de sopa de açúcar;
- 04 colheres de sopa de leite;
- 02 colheres de sopa de chocolate em pó (nescau, toddy, etc.)
- 02 colheres de sopa de margarina

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Liège Waffle

Clipped from:

Gaufres de Liege
makes 12 waffles
6 tablespoons warm milk (no hotter than 110°F)
1/2 teaspoons granulated sugar 

2 teaspoons instant yeast
1 1/2 cups (230 grams) bread flour, sifted
1 teaspoons cinnamon
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoons salt
1 medium egg
1 egg yolk
1/2 cup (4 oz) unsalted butter, at slightly cooler than room temperature
140 grams turbinado sugar, or pearl sugar if you choose
Cooking spray
Dissolve the sugar in the warm milk; then add the yeast. Make sure that the milk is not too hot, lest it kill the yeast instead of promoting its growth. Place a plate or some kind of cover on top of the bowl with the milk, sugar and yeast. Set aside for about five minutes. When you check on it, the yeast should have bubbled up, looking light brown and spongy.
Meanwhile, mix the sifted bread flour with the cinnamon, vanilla extract, and salt in the bowl of a stand mixer. Pour in the yeast mixture; then add the whole egg and egg yolk. Mix on medium speed until it is fully combined. The dough will be yellow and stiff, yielding only slightly to a poke.
Cover the mixing bowl with plastic wrap and let the dough rest in a warm place for about thirty minutes.
2009_07_21-GaufresDough01.jpgBeat in the butter piece by piece; you do not have to wait for the prior piece to be fully incorporated before adding the next. When the dough has incorporated about half of the butter, the mixture will be like a very thick, somewhat broken-up paste. If you keep engaging the mixer on medium-high speed, the dough will eventually become a cohesive whole, looking smoother and more feeling more elastic. Scrape the sides of the bowl if needed.
Kneading very gently, incorporate the sugar crystals just enough to get them evenly distributed. Work quickly so as not to soften the buttery dough too much.
2009_07_21-GaufresDough.jpgDivide the dough into a dozen equal pieces, gently forming them into balls.
Place the balls of dough on a cutting board in a warmish place for fifteen minutes or so. During the last two minutes of this resting time, preheat your waffle iron until it is very warm, but not hot.
Spray the griddles with cooking oil. Place each ball of dough in a whole square or section of the waffle iron. Like regular waffle batter, the dough will start to puff up. Cook the waffles until the surface is golden to dark brown. Be sure that the waffle iron you are using is appropriately deep, or else the interior of the waffle will not be cooked through. If you are using a vintage stovetop waffle iron, flip the iron every thirty to forty seconds, lifting the iron to check the rate of browning. The browning should be gradual to allow the interior to fully develop.
Set the waffles on a cooling rack as they come out of the iron to promote a crispy exterior. Serve immediately with a sprinkling of powdered sugar.
Any leftover waffles, if they are not dark brown, can be carefully re-cooked in a toaster for approximately thirty to sixty seconds. Leftover waffles may also be kept in an airtight container between sheets of parchment paper, for up to three days.