Friday, September 3, 2010
Neapolitan Tomato Sauce - Fast Cooking
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 40 minutes
* 2 1/4 pounds (1 k) ripe plum tomatoes
* 1/2 cup olive oil
* 12 fresh basil leaves
* 2 cloves garlic, lightly crushed
* Salt and freshly ground pepper
Set a large pot full of water to boil. Meanwhile, wash the tomatoes and remove the brownish patches where the stems were attached using a sharp-pointed knife. Dump the tomatoes into the boiling water, blanch them for about a minute, and remove them with a slotted spoon.
Peel the tomatoes, discarding their skins, seed them, slice them, and put them in a bowl. When you are done heat the oil and the garlic in another pot (traditionalists use one made of terracotta), and stir in the tomato filets before the oil garlic begins to crackle. Season with salt and pepper, simmer over a low flame for 10 minutes, stir in the basil leaves, simmer for five more minutes, and it's done.
Figure about 1/4 cup of sauce (or more to taste) and 1/4 pound of pasta per serving; serve the pasta with grated cheese on the side.
Note:To keep the sauce from becoming heavy, it's very important that the oil not not get too hot before the tomatoes are stirred in. Also, some Neapolitan cooks of the older generation made this sauce using lard rather than oil.
Tuscan Tomato Sauce Recipe - Pomarola
In mid-July they begin to arrive: Cases of freshly picked sun-ripened plum tomatoes, and Italian houses fill with anticipation, because there's no dish quite so refreshing on a hot day as a bowl of pasta seasoned with lots of freshly made pomarola and a handful of grated cheese. This recipe expands well, and most households make gallons of it when the flood of tomatoes reaches its peak in August, forcing the prices down. It can also be adapted to canned plum tomatoes.
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour
Total Time: 1 hour, 20 minutes
- 2-3 pounds (1 - 1.5 k; if they're watery, you will want more) plum tomatoes, cored and chopped
- A clove of garlic
- A stick of celery about 6 inches long
- A small carrot
- A quarter of a medium onion
- A bunch of parsley
- A fresh or dried hot pepper, ribbed and seeds discarded (optional)
- Olive oil
- Salt and pepper to taste
- A scant half teaspoon of sugar (optional)
- A bunch of basil
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Arroz de Polvo - Octopus Rice (Aug. 2024 update)
- 600 to 800 g octopus (used 2.5Kg)
- 200 mL red wine (250ml)
- little water to make it up to 600 ea mL
- 150 mL olive oil (200ml)
- a chopped onion (1 1/2 large onions)
- 2 garlic cloves (2 minced cubes from Trader's Joe)
- 3 tomatoes, skinned and chopped (used 3 large heirlooms)
- a large green pepper cut into snips (used 3, yellow, orange, red)
- salt, pepper and chilli powder to taste (no pepper or chilli powder but used bay leaves and green onions)
- 350 g rice (preferable a short-grain risotto rice like arborio) (made 6 rice cooker portions)
- Makes 4 servings (served 7-8 people)
- Cooking instructions:
- On a large pot, boil water, add salt and once boiling, insert one whole octopus into the pot (legs first) Be careful since octopus is very slippery and you don't want it dropped in the pot and suddenly create a huge splash of boiling water !
- Let the water fully boil again, and let the octopus boiling for 2-3 mins
- Remove it from the boiling water (carefully again) and repeat with the all other octopus left, you can use the same water, no need to change
- Discard that water after completing the process for all the octopus you have
- Let it cool a little and cut off each of the legs, and the head
- Pre-cook the octopus meat (full legs and head) on boiling wine and water (proportions describe above), add bay leaf and little salt. simmer the octopus in the wine/water/condiments for 30 minutes. The octopus will exude liquid so that you are likely to end up with more cooking liquid at the end.
- Take the octopus meat out of the pot and let it cool down, make sure you retain all the "octopus soup" liquid, since you will use this 2nd boiling bath on your rice
- Cut the drained octopus into small pieces.
- Heat 150 mL olive oil in a large saucepan, add the chopped onions and cook gently, stirring, for 2 or 3 minutes. Add the garlic (if cloves finely chopped), the tomatoes (skinned chopped), and the bell peppers (cut into snips). Season to taste with salt, pepper and/or chilli powder, green onions, etc. Cook for a few minutes longer.
- Add the washed but drained rice, mix with all other ingredients so the olive oil will form a coat around the rice
- Transfer that into a rice cooker (easier process) or pot where you will be cooking the rice
- Use the cooking liquid from the octopus to deglaze the pan you have used, and pour that into the rice cooker/cooking pan
- Boil the octopus with the onion, garlic, salt, bay leaf, salt and wine so the octopus gets some more taste before cutting it into pieces and adding to the onions and tomatoes and herbs that will cook together with the rice!
- if not using a rice cooker, you can follow instructions below:
- - Add the cooking liquid from the octopus and bring it to the boil. Add 350 g rice (preferable a short-grain risotto rice like arborio) and bring back to the boil, then turn the heat very low and put the lid on the saucepan. After 15 minutes, stir to ensure the rice is not catching on the bottom of the saucepan. In 5 minutes more, taste a grain or two to make sure it is soft. The rice should still be quite damp.
Belgium: Belgian Waffles
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Camarao na Moranga
- Uma cebola grande picadinha
- 2 cubos de caldo de camarao com cheiro verde ???
- 1.2Kg de camarao tamanho medio
- 1 lata de molho de tomate
- 1 chicara de cafe de limao
- 1 chicara de cafe de vinho branco
- 2 dentes de alho
- Azeite
- Sal
- 1/2 colher de cafe de pimenta do reino branca
- Coentro (coliandar cilantro powder)
- Coentro fresco
- 400g de requeijao
Limpa a moranga, risca ela por dentro, poe o molho de camarao dentro dela e coloca ela para ferver dentro de uma panela por uma hora e pouco para cozinhar.
Tempere o camarao com sal, limao, coentro em po, pimenta do reino
Frita um pouco da cebola e joga o camarao para (tombar) um pouco, perder um pouco da agua, Joga o vinho por cima
Faz o molho de tomate, frita cebola primeiro e depois o alho, joga o molho de tomate e deixa ele cozinhar um pouco, joga o camarao (sem muita agua), poe o coentro (amarrado) e deixe cozinhar com a tampa fechada. Tira o coentro e joga o requeijao, mistura e coloque dentro da moranga que ja esta cozida, Poe a moranga no forno a 180 graus por uns 5 minutos para a abobora pegar o gosto do camarao.
Depois e' so servir...
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Bolo de Laranja
- 2 xicaras de acucar
- 2 xic. farinha de trigo
- 1 xic. de caldo de laranja
- 1 colher de sopa de fermento
Misture o acucar com a gema
Bate clara em neve
Misture os dois
Adicione a farinha de trigo
por ultimo poe o caldo de laranja e o fermento
Unta a forma e poe no forno, 180-200C
Bolo de Fuba de Massa Cozido
- 2 xic. de cha de leite
- 2 xc de acucar
- 2 xicaras de fuba (o po mais fino)
- 1 xicara de oleo nao muito cheia
- 1 pitada de sal
- erva doce um punhado(3 dedos)
- 3 ovos inteiros
- 1 colher de fermento em po
Misture o fuba, o acucar e o leite (menos os ovos) e cozinha numa panela por uns 10 minutos (= fuba), deixe este fuba esfriar
Bate os 3 ovos batido e o fermento com o fuba, unte a forma com manteiga e cozinha a 180-200 C.
Bolo de Fuba Cremoso da Mamae
- 4 xic. de cha de leite
- 1 xc de acucar
- 1 e 1/2 de fuba (o po mais fino)
- 1 colher de sopa de farinha de trigo
- 2 colheres de sopar de margarina (nao muito cheia)
- 1 colher de sopa de fermento em po
- 3 ovos inteiros
Modo de Fazer:
Bate tudo no liquidificador, o leite e ovos primeiro por 2 minutos a seguir os demais ingredientes, poe por ultimo o po royal. Untar a forma e assar por meia hora, basta estar assado por cima
Kibe Assado
Receita indicada por: Bell Ricci
Bolo de Chocolate (sem leite) da Bibi - Barao de Melgaco
- 3 xicaras de farinha de trigo
- 2 xicaras de acucar
- 2 xicaras de Toddy ou Nescal
- Uma colher de sopa de fermento em po'
- 3 ovos
- uma xicara de oleo
- 2 xicaras de agua quente
Mistura todos os secos primeiros
Bates os ovos primeiro, e depois com o oleo no liquidificador (mais um pouco) e joga em cima dos secos
Adicione agua quente aos poucos e vai misturando com a colher
Unte uma forma grande com margarina e farinha, (mais de 30cm) e asse no forno com 220 C.
Bolinhos de Chuva da Mamae - Rainy Day Home made Donut
- 2 ovos
- 2 xicaras de farinha
- 1 xicara de leite
- 1 colher de sobremesa de fermento em po
- 1 ou 2 colheres de sopa de acucar
Bata os ovos primeiro, adicione a farinha o leite e o acucar, nao pode ficar nem muito duro nem muito mole (na hora de fritar, pinga com uma colher, passando uma na outra, se espalhar muito poe mais farinha, se nao pingar da colher poe mais leite)